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Task 1. asset turnover ratio is 12 turnovers per year; the amount of assets, according to the balance sheet, equal to 200 thousand. rub., the profitability of sales - 8%. Determine what is the sales proceeds and the net profit of the company.
Task 2. The planned volume of sales on credit for the next year (360 days) is 20000 rubles. The average maturity of receivables is 20 days. Determine the average value of the receivables.
Task 3. Determine the value of net working capital on the following data: current assets - 640 thousand. Rub., Accounts payable - 200 thousand. Rub., The stocks of finished products - 180 thousand. Rub., Short-term liabilities - 580 thousand. Rub.
Task 4. On the basis of the information listed below to restore the missing items in the financial statements.
- The leverage ratio is equal to 0.4;
- The ratio of protection loans is 8;
- The current ratio is equal to 1.45;
- Quick ratio is 1.0;
- Absolute liquidity ratio is 0.2;
- Return on equity is 41%;
- Inventory turnover ratio is equal to 5;
- Duration of accounts receivable turnover is 71.2 days.
Balance (million. Rub.)
01.01.2012 On 01.01.2011
1. Basic means 25
2. Current assets 80
Inventories 26
Accounts receivable 34
Cash 20
TOTAL 115,105
3.Sobstvenny capital 30
4.Dolgosrochnye obligations 20
5.Kratkosrochnye liabilities 55 55
Accounts payable 30 35
Taxes payable 25 20
TOTAL 115,105
Profit and loss account for 2011 (in mln. Rub.)
Net sales
Cost of sales
Gross profit
Selling, general and administrative expenses 30
Profit on sales
Interest due
Profit before tax
Tax on profits
Net profit
Task 2. The planned volume of sales on credit for the next year (360 days) is 20000 rubles. The average maturity of receivables is 20 days. Determine the average value of the receivables.
Task 3. Determine the value of net working capital on the following data: current assets - 640 thousand. Rub., Accounts payable - 200 thousand. Rub., The stocks of finished products - 180 thousand. Rub., Short-term liabilities - 580 thousand. Rub.
Task 4. On the basis of the information listed below to restore the missing items in the financial statements.
- The leverage ratio is equal to 0.4;
- The ratio of protection loans is 8;
- The current ratio is equal to 1.45;
- Quick ratio is 1.0;
- Absolute liquidity ratio is 0.2;
- Return on equity is 41%;
- Inventory turnover ratio is equal to 5;
- Duration of accounts receivable turnover is 71.2 days.
Balance (million. Rub.)
01.01.2012 On 01.01.2011
1. Basic means 25
2. Current assets 80
Inventories 26
Accounts receivable 34
Cash 20
TOTAL 115,105
3.Sobstvenny capital 30
4.Dolgosrochnye obligations 20
5.Kratkosrochnye liabilities 55 55
Accounts payable 30 35
Taxes payable 25 20
TOTAL 115,105
Profit and loss account for 2011 (in mln. Rub.)
Net sales
Cost of sales
Gross profit
Selling, general and administrative expenses 30
Profit on sales
Interest due
Profit before tax
Tax on profits
Net profit