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The total subscription period for Yandex Plus is 90 days, of which the first:
Bookmate - 30 Days
Children - 60 days
After payment you will instantly receive a link by which you will be invited to a family group for 3 months. Invite only for one account to which Yandex.Music, Yandex.Kinopoisk HD, Yandex.Taxi and others will become available.
✅ WORKS WHEN YOU HAVE AN ACTIVE SUBSCRIPTION, it will be postponed, and will continue after the expiration of the family subscription.
✅This is not a shared account. You will use the subscription on your account. Your personal information is not visible to anyone. No synchronization, all your playlists, Kinopoisk and other services will be individual ONLY FOR YOU!
✅INVITE connects only to 1 account
✅ You do not need to link a card to your account, and after the subscription expires (if you have a linked card) money will not be debited
✅What Yandex.Plus subscription gives you can read at https://plus.yandex.ru/?through=landing_plus
✅INVITE WORKS ONLY in Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
🚩 if you reconnect after the end of the previous invite, go to the family profile https://passport.yandex.ru/profile/family and click "This is you" and "Leave the group"
🚩 enter the YANDEX ACCOUNT on which activation is required (make sure that this is the correct account, because there is no replacement in case of activation on another)
🚩 go to the INVITE LINK that you received after payment
If you have any questions, write to chat or telegrams, I am ready to answer you at any time 20/7 and help you.
If everything is good, leave a positive review so that I know that everything worked out for you and works. Thanks)