and maintain a database for automation

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1 Basic principles and tools for creating database .................................... .5

1.1 Requirements to be met by the organization of the database ...... ... 5

1.2 Language as a standard SQL database language .................................... .... 12

1.3 The software Delphi ...... ... 15

2 Description of the database program "Accounting books" ....................................... ... 31

2.1 The structure of the database .................................................................. .31

2.2 Cozdanie database ...... ... 33

2.3 Program database management CONCLUSIONS ...... ... 38

Conclusion ...... ... 46

Glossary ...... ... 49

List of Acronyms ...... ... 51

List of sources used ............................................................ ..52

Appendix A window BDE Administrator after creating an alias for the school database, "Accounting books" ........................................................................ ..55

Listing Application Appendix B, "Accounting books" ............................................. 56

Diploma Cm. With the diploma is a program with source code and maintain a database for automation in a particular area (library)