21 secret of success of millionaires

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This book - the result of fifteen years of research, learning and personal experiences of such a vast subject as the millionaires who earned their own money. The following pages contain the key ideas and strategies that I have found as a result of reading hundreds of books and thousands of articles devoted to the accumulation of wealth. All these ideas and strategies presented here in a simple, tested, proven and easy-to-use video - so that you can immediately begin their study and application.
The material that you are going to study, can change your life. These ideas, insights and strategies have served as a springboard to financial success for millions of people - men and women, young and old, rich and poor. These principles are simple, effective and relatively easy to use. They tried, tested and proven many times to be successful and work for you, if you do not just read them, and using them in practice and actually apply in their own lives.