1C 7.7: TiS. Submit a score to PDF by e-mail.

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As shown, many companies will sooner or later there is a problem of formation of printing plates from 1C to send to customers. Our experts have developed an external plate accounts for the document "ZayavkaPokupatelya" Trade and Warehouse configuration 1C: Enterprise 7.7 with the ability to send invoice by e-mail in PDF. Performs the processing steps can be divided into several stages: print invoices in PDF format from the 1C, the imposition of stamp and signature, ie formation documents with the stamp and signature of the 1C and finally sending the documents received from the 1C. This process implements the sending account fully automatically in one or two clicks directly from 1C.

Key features of processing are:

- Processing is in the form extranecks printed form and is compatible with all configurations of Trade and Warehouse 1C: Enterprise 7.7, including a fairly old releases (performance tested, starting with the release 7.70.927). Since processing is executed in the form of foreign printed form for its installation does not require changes to the configuration or the involvement of specialists on 1C, the processing plant will be able to implement any PC user.

- Sending bills printed form 1C by E-Mail is very simple and is carried out in a few mouse clicks. Name and address of the recipient in this case are taken from the directory "Counterparts", thus if you have a database were originally registered e-mail addresses of each counterparty, then get to work with this treatment, you can now.

- Supports two methods of formation of PDF files using external components Yoksel and using a virtual printer BioPDF, download and install that you can download from the page. In the first embodiment, the resulting PDF contains the entire image as a score, in the second embodiment, PDF contains several objects and layers. See the differences between the methods you can download the files of both versions (see. Page development)

- The possibility of affixing the stamp and signature in the layout of the printing plate account. Customers will receive an invoice in exactly the same way as if you have it printed, stamped, signed, scanned and sent to the customer by e-mail or fax. The use of this treatment can save your employees' time and paper costs, now all these operations are carried out in a few mouse clicks directly from 1C. Sending a customer account takes only a few seconds, errors persoonal while minimized. I think everyone familiar with the situation when a lot of customers, invoices are printed, faxed or scanned and find the document if it is, for example, you forgot to send even a few days is unrealistic. Now, just enough to find the account (the application of the buyer) in the journal of documents 1C and click "Send."

- Sending e-mail is also possible using two methods, using standard components v7plus.dll and the mail client by default (ie, formed as a result of a letter from the investment accounts in PDF format in your e-mail client, for example, if you use Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express, it sent a letter remain in your outgoing messages), or directly, without recourse to the mail client (using external components ROM-Mail.dll).

- You may want to keep a record of bills sent electronically via the log 1C: Enterprise (this feature by default is not included, if you need such a consideration - the conditions, the format of entries in the log, etc. are specified in the preliminary approval).

- Fully customizable layout printing plate account. You can place your company logo, and any other inforamatsiyu (advertising, conditions of delivery, additional contact numbers and e-mail addresses, etc.), the appearance of the layout to be confirmed to you by prior arrangement before purchasing process and included in the price .
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