14 jobs in chemistry

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1. 0.5 g of metal burning requires 230 ml of oxygen, measured under normal conditions. Locate the metal equivalent. What is metal, if the degree of oxidation equal to 2?

15. In the combustion of 112 liters of methane released 4012.55 kJ of heat. Calculate the heat of formation of methane.

29. Calculate the Gibbs energy change 2NO2 = N2O4 at standard temperature and at 373o C. What is the direction of the reaction in each case? ΔNN2O4 = 9.37 kJ / mol, S N2O4 = 304 * J / (mol * K). Other data take from the table.

48. What is the maximum number of electrons in the first, outer and predvneshnem energy level? What sublevels fill these levels?

58. What is electronegativity? How different is the value of the electronegativity of p-elements in one period with increasing atomic number?

72. Calculate how to change the speed of the forward reaction

2NO + Br2 2NOBr if you increase the pressure of the system three times?

Properties of solutions

92. How many milliliters of 2N. solution required for the preparation of 1 liter of 0.5N. solution of the substance?

106. What has an osmotic pressure at 0 ° C solution in 1 liter of which contains 1 mol nonelectrolyte.

The ion exchange reaction, hydrolysis of the salts

120. Make the molecular and ionic equations of the reactions of hydrolysis of salt resulting in: a) acidic and b) basic salts.

Redox reaction

1. What reactions are redox?

2. For the redox reaction compose electronic equation, set up the coefficients in the equations reactions indicate which substance is an oxidizer, a substance is oxidized.

Electrochemistry. Corrosion of metals.

148. Calculate the emf silver-zinc electrochemical cell if its forming electrodes respectively immersed in the solutions of AgNO3 and Zn (NO3¬) 2 c cation concentration of 0.01 mol / L (t = 25oC). Write the equation of electrochemical processes occurring at the electrodes.

Complex compounds.

162. What are the oxidation state and coordination number of the complexing agent in the compounds:

[Cu (NH3) 4] (NO3) 2; K [Ag (CN) 2]

Make up the reactions of dissociation of these salts and instability constants.


1. Compare the structure of the atom iodine and manganese. What is a micronutrient? Give examples.

10 pages