Great 100 Nobel laureates

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Industrialist, inventor of dynamite, Alfred Bernhard Nobel left to mankind an unusual testament to the fate of its capital. In 1900, based on the stipulated conditions Nobel Foundation was established, and then start the Nobel Prize prominent naturalists, writers and fighters for peace. These functions were assigned to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Storting (Parliament) of Norway. Unfortunately, due to the influence of the political situation and the cultural and aesthetic stereotypes were noted Award Leo Tolstoy, Marina Tsvetaeva, Federico García Lorca. Very few in the list of winners of the outstanding Soviet and Russian scientists. However, despite all the shortcomings of the Nobel Prize is the most prestigious in the world.

The next book in the series "100 Great" is about the most prominent Nobel laureates over the past century, including Hemingway and Bunin, Sholokhov, and Marquez, X-ray and Einstein, and Pavlov Fleming, Rutherford and Curie, Nansen and Mother Teresa.